11 de maig 2017


Els dimarts passat va ser un dia especial per a nosaltres: els nens i nenes de P-5 vam assistir a una obra de teatre en anglès per primer cop! Al llarg del curs havíem après moltes cançons, danses i poemes sobre l'aranya "Incy Wincy", els ocellets Paul and Peter, l'estrella que brilla al cel o l'arc de Sant Martí que amb els seus colors ens alegra el dia quan plou i fa sol.
La companyia anglesa de teatre Look Out, va venir al nostre gimnàs i ens va oferir un doble espectacle: pels alumnes de P-5 "Round, round the garden" i pels alumnes de 1r i 2n la divertidíssima "The birthday pizza".
Aquí teniu unes quantes fotos perquè veieu que bé ens ho vam passar!
Si voleu veure la resta de fotos cliqueu aquí.

Last Tuesday was a special day for us: P5 pupils attended an English play for the first time! During this course we have learnt lots of songs, dances and poems about "Incy Wincy" spider, the little birds "Peter and Paul", the shining star or the rainbow that cheers us up with its colours.
The Engish company "Look out" came to our school and offered us two plays. The first one for P5 students "Round and round the garden" and "The birthday pizza" for first and second graders.  Both plays were so funny and students enjoyed them a lot!
Here you have some photos :)