2 de febr. 2017


Last week the students from 3rd to 6th enjoyed a play based on the books we are reading these days:"Teamwork" (3rd graders), "Pedro's project" (4th graders), "Mystery island" (5th graders) and "Footprints in the forest" (6th graders) by Richmond Publishing.
The performance was played by Julie Davies a native English drama teacher. We were able to take part in the play, to performance ourselves while we learnt English and had a great time!
The stories are really great and we are having a very good time reading them at school.

If you want to see more pictures, click here. 

La setmana passada els alumnes de 3r a 6è vam gaudir d'una animació basada en els llibres que estem llegint aquests dies: "Teamwork" (3r), "Pedro's project" (4t), "Mystery island" (5è) i "Footprints in the forest" (6è) de l'editorial Richmond Publishing.
L'animació va anar a càrrec de la Julie Davies, una professora de teatre nadiva. Nosaltres vam poder participar, actuar i passar un bona estona tot aprenent anglès!
Les històries són realment maques i estem gaudint mentre les llegim a l'escola
Si voleu veure més imatges, cliqueu aquí.

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

Va ser molt interesant i divertit jo penso que tots vam gaudir moltisim
De Laura Al 5è A